Supply Chain Environmental Footprint | Responsible Manufacturing | ASUS ESG website, ASUS ESG goal

Supply Chain Environmental Footprint

Supply Chain Environmental Footprint

2025 Sustainability Goals and Implemented Management Plans



For Greenhouse Gas: Ensure that our key suppliers achieve a 30% reduction in carbon emissions intensity rates by 2025



For Water resources: Help all suppliers receive ISO 14001 certification by 2025


Waste to Landfill

For Waste: Extend the Zero Waste to Landfill program from ASUS headquarters to key suppliers and set the waste diversion rate

The concept of an EP&L assessment is to map the impact of business activities on the environmental and social impact pathway and then monetize the environmental impact, such as the amount of agricultural ecological loss caused by greenhouse gas of climate change, and the impact of water pollution in reducing regional recreational value. The EP&L assessment facilitates the comparison of different environmental impacts and optimizes the quality of decision-making.

In 2018, ASUS and PwC collaborated on the first EP&L assessment project for laptops. According to the characteristics of the product manufacturing process, four environmental indicators —greenhouse gas, water resources, waste, and water pollution — were selected, and the total environmental impact of the product life cycle from extraction to component manufacturing, product assembly, and ASUS operations was calculated. ASUS became the first tech company in the world to publish an EP&L report. To fully understand the overall environmental impact of ASUS' operations and suppliers, we have added one category of major products in the data coverage each year to expand the scope to 90% of the products revenue.

We calculated the EP&L of the main representative revenue products of ASUS in 2023, including : laptops, desktop computers, mobile phones, motherboards and screens. The total environmental impact of greenhouse gases, water resources, waste, and water pollution was approximately USD $692.61 million.



Energy resources required for business activities.

  • Examples: 8,000 tonnes of water, 100 million kWh electricity, etc.



How much environmental pollution emissions

  • Examples: 300 million tonnes of greenhouse gas, 2,000 kilograms of phosphorus pollutants, etc.



Changes to the environment

  • Examples: Global warming, eutrophication, etc.



Impact on society

  • Examples: Human health loss, ecosystem loss, etc.


Value of Impact

The Value lost due to the impact

  • Examples: Reduced Property, reduced entertainment value, etc.

Supplier Environmental Impact Survey

By analyzing the impact of environmental indicators, we identified water pollution as the most severe impact. It is followed by greenhouse gas, and the water resources accounted for the smallest share.


Based on the results, we identified the impact of hot spot in the product life cycle as the water pollution in the extraction of raw materials. We thus decided to invest management resources and formulated management strategies:

  • ISO 14001 environmental management system certification is a necessary requirement for qualified suppliers. This includes managing their upstream suppliers and regulating their wastewater discharge to ensure compliance.
  • The motherboard supplier submits an annual report on wastewater discharge testing. Suppliers that do not meet the standards are given a deadline to make improvements and are included on the list for annual onsite audits.

For greenhouse gases, we identify significant emission sources from the manufacturing of 9 key components to develop our management strategies:

  • 2022: Map manufacturing processes for key components and identify hotspots for emissions such as equipment with high energy consumption and processes with high carbon emissions
  • 2023: Map a carbon reduction pathway for key components based on emission hotspots and suppliers' carbon reduction capabilities
  • 2024: 50% of the suppliers set SBT emission reduction targets, use renewable energy up to RE40, and obtain ISO 50001 certification
  • 2025: 75% of the suppliers set SBT emission reduction targets, use renewable energy up to RE40, and all foundries obtain ISO50001 certification

For solid waste, ASUS requires ISO14001 environmental management system certification as a necessary condition for qualified suppliers.

For water resource, according to the WRI Aqueduct global water risk mapping tool, ASUS has determined that its own operations and value chain are not located in high-risk areas and are not part of waterintensive industries. Considering the global pressure of water resource depletion and corporate social responsibility, ASUS is committed to promoting water conservation measures in its own operations and requiring the supply chain to do the same.

Reduce Environmental Impact

By analyzing more than 100,000 data entries from environmental footprint surveys over the years, we identified significant sources of emission in the manufacturing of key components, including display panels, motherboards, IC, cables, power supplies, mechanical components, keyboards, batteries, and hard drives, as well as assembly facilities of laptops, desktop computers, display monitors, and motherboards.

We referenced the “Greenhouse Gas and Water Security Questionnaire” of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to conduct an inventory of the 148 key suppliers, develop our management goals and review them regularly.

Greenhouse Gases

Water Resources

Hazardous Industrial Waste



40% of key assembly facilities and key suppliers have ISO 14064 third-party verification



11% of key suppliers set carbon reduction targets in line with SBT



37% of key suppliers have ISO 50001 certification



24% of key suppliers meet RE40



55% of key suppliers have set water resource reduction targets



100% of key suppliers have contacted with quailed waste disposal providers



13% of key suppliers have zero waste certification