Our 2025 Sustainability Goals | Philosophy | ASUS ESG website, ASUS ESG goal

Our 2025 Sustainability Goals

Our 2025 Sustainability Goals

2025 Sustainability Goals

The 2025 goals extended our commitment to the environment and society. With our core competencies and professional skills, ASUS brings about proactive and positive changes to humans and the environment, thereby enhancing ASUS' green competitiveness, creating shared value with the society, and making substantive contributions to SDGs.

Climate Action

2025 Goals 2022 Goals 2022 Executive Highlights 2022 Performance Annual Performance

Reduce 50% of carbon emissions from ASUS global operations centers by 2030

Use 100% renewable energy in Taiwan-based operations centers by 2030

Use 100% renewable energy in global operations centers by 2035

  • Complete third-party verification for ISO14064 on the carbon emissions in global operations site
  • Establish 2030 ASUS headquarters and 2035 Global Operations RE100 Path
  • Establish a regular review mechanism for renewable energy markets and compliance policies
  • Establish the most suitable configuration for the procurement of wind, photovoltaic and water power in accordance with the RE100 definition
  • Establish ASUS Global Operation RE100 Path in 2035

100% achievement

Ensure that each year’s key products demonstrate energy efficiency that’s 30% above the Energy Star standard
  • Superior to the ENERGY STAR® standard by 30%
  • Optimize power management mode to reduce product energy consumption
34.6 %
Ensure that key suppliers achieve a 30% reduction in carbon intensity by 2025 seminar and carbon reduction forum
  • Complete third-party verification for ISO14064 on the carbon emissions of key suppliers
  • Key suppliers reduced GHG emissions intensity by 24% compared to baseline year
  • Establish greenhouse gas inventory competence of key suppliers
  • Apply the Carbon Reduction Decision Matrix to help suppliers prioritize carbon reduction actions
100% achievement


Not achieved


Circular Economy

2025 Goals 2022 Goals 2022 Executive Highlights 2022 Performance Annual Performance
Promote sustainable procurement and increase the use of environmentally friendly materials in products and packaging by 100%
  • Increase the use of environmentally friendly materials for products and packaging to ratio 25%
  • Expand product use of recycled plastics and recycled metals
  • Increase the use of recycled materials in all packages of laptops to ratio 90%

Increase the use of environmentally friendly materials for products and packaging to ratio 25%

  • Recycled paper usage increased 22% compared to 2020
  • Recycled plastic usage increased 1.9 times compared to 2020
  • Paper materials from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) usage increased 5 times compared to 2020
Boost green competitiveness and increase the proportion of Eco Labels in revenue by more than 50%
  • Generate revenue from Eco Labels accounted for over 15%
  • Establish ESG committee to promote green product projects
  • Expand commercial products to obtain environmental labels
  • Promote consumer products to obtain environmental labels


Enhance safety in the R&D system and attain 100% coverage of international information security standards by 2025

  • Attain 20% coverage rate of international information security standards
  • Expand the scope of international information security standards, enabling more products and services to be protected by the regulations
  • Develop the management system to be in line with the requirements of the new ISO 27001:2022


Encourage a circular economy by achieving a global recycling rate of 20% for ASUS products

  • Achieve global product recycling rate of 13%
  • Expand recycling service mode to strengthen product trade-in


*Due to the impact of the pandemic, the recycleing service was suspended; so that, the annual recycling rate target was not reached.


Not achieved


Responsible Manufacturing

2025 Goals 2022 Goals 2022 Executive Highlights 2022 Performance Annual Performance
Achieve labor and Human Rights goals by completing 100% of RBA third-party audits of key suppliers and ensure that any necessary corrective actions are taken
  • 100% of suppliers completed the third-party audits and improvements for deficiencies
  • Identify key suppliers with potential risks
  • Complete third-party onsite audits to assist the improvements for deficiencies
  • 100% achievement
Use responsible mineral by sourcing 100% tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold, and cobalt from qualified smelters
  • Maintain 100% of tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold sourced from qualified smelters
  • Achieve 35% of cobalt sourced from qualified smelters
  • Conduct annual supply chain due diligence
  • Review the list of qualified smelters
  • Identify key suppliers of cobalt and requested conversion to qualified smelters for the current year
  • Maintain 100% of tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold sourced from qualified smelters
  • Achieve 59% of cobalt sourced from qualified smelters
Strengthen information security across the supply chain by ensuring that key suppliers demonstrate 100% compliance with information security regulations
  • Completed the amendment to the Information Security Regulations for Supply Chain
  • Respond to the service provision features and data usage levels of key suppliers, and we completed the revision to ASUS Information Security Terms and Conditions with three versions in total
  • 100% achievement


Not achieved


Value Creation

2025 Goals 2022 Goals 2022 Executive Highlights 2022 Performance Annual Performance

Intensify digital transformation and innovation efforts with the goal of a 100% increase in sustainable value creation

  • Launch Start-up Partner Program
  • Establish a corporate vertical accelerator to match innovative technological cooperation
  • Launch the Sustainability Innovation Cycle and Low Carbon Transformation Project, with 3 projects

Strengthen industry/academia cooperative projects to cultivate more than 1,000 talents

Organize 20 networking events annually, with 800 potential talents connected

  • Organize 10 career talks on campus with 800 participants
  • Organize 2 consultation sessions with business mentors with 300 people consulted
  • Organize 4 industrialacademic cooperation programs with 80 people recruited
  • Organize 1 session of other inter-collegiate activity
  • Organize counseling and career seminars and connect potential talents through inter-collegiate cooperation

Organize 23 connecting events in the year with a total of 1,431 people bonded

  • Organize 11 career talks on campus with 905 participants
  • Organize 4 consultation sessions with corporate mentors with 400 people consulted
  • Organize 4 industrial-academic cooperation programs with 93 people recruited
  • Organize other Inter-collegiate activities : NTUST Enterprise College (33 students enrolled, 9 classes conducted)


Not achieved