Employee Policy | Happiness Workplace | ASUS ESG website, ASUS ESG goal

Employee Policy

Employee Policy

Talent management is the most important factor that empowers the world's top companies to outperform their peers. Critical talents are an important strategic resource for enterprises, and they are enterprise value creators and an important cornerstone for companies' continuous operation and growth. Considering its employees as its most important assets, ASUS works with them to elaborate on collective wisdom and develop potential and professional interest of individual and team. We shape the corporate culture, cultivate key talents, acquire technologies and capabilities in key areas. We also create an open and innovative R&D culture and a creative environment to stimulate the vitality and imagination of our employees.

Structure of Manpower

ASUS has established operation centers in more than 70 countries around the world, including Asia-Pacific region, Europe, Americas and Africa. The number of global employees is about 16,332, including about 7,950 in Headquarters and about 8,382 in the overseas regions. In IT industry most employees are male, but there is no employment discrimination or any unfair treatment due to gender.






Female Share of Total Workforce

Females in Management Positions


Female Share of Total Workforce

Females in Management Positions


Female Share of Total Workforce

Females in Management Positions


Female Share of Total Workforce

Females in Management Positions


Human Rights Policy

ASUS, upholding the ‘people-oriented’ philosophy, is committed to creating a work environment that is safe, fair, respectful, and dignified. It supports and adheres to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the standards of International Labor Organization (ILO) and Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), while ASUS have established and have implemented guidelines in practicing human rights policies:
ASUS have established and have implemented guidelines in practicing human rights policies:

Provide a healthy and safe work environment founded on mutual trust and respect, with labor rights and benefits that meet or exceed local legal standards

Comply with occupational safety and health regulations, continuously enhance workplace safety and health conditions, strive to mitigate occupational hazard risks, and create an employee-friendly environment to safeguard physical and mental wellbeing.

Foster a harmonious labor-management relationship and workplace, furnish diverse and accessible communication channels, while ensuring freedoms of assembly, association, collective bargaining, and privacy.

Foster a culture of respect for diversity, upholding labor rights for vulnerable groups, and ensuring equal opportunities for all regardless of nationality, race, or social background.

Support professional development by providing training programs, facilities, time, and subsidy for self-development.

Eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment, ensuring that recruitment, remuneration, and promotions are not influenced by gender, religion, politics, or marital status.

Prohibit child labor, eliminate all forms of forced labor, including human trafficking, and prevent any violations of human rights.

Conduct due diligence, regularly review developments in society and industry, incorporate stakeholders' feedback, and assess potential human rights risks impacting operations.

Respect for human rights is an ASUS core value that is reflected in our corporate Code of Conduct policies, which apply to all global operations, including our supply chain. All ASUS employees are respected and treated fairly, and ASUS requires its suppliers to comply with all relevant legal, social and environmental standards.

In order to uphold the ASUS Human Rights Policy, ASUS conductsannual human rights due diligence, drawing on the “Human Rights Risks in Business Operations” provided by the UnitedNations Development Programme (UNDP). An annual survey ofhuman rights risk incidents is conducted to assess the risk levels of operation-related human rights issues. Mitigation measures are implemented for identified risk events, and improvement progress is regularly tracked.
For suppliers, we follows the ASUS Supplier Code of Conduct as a risk assessment model (referred to as SAQ) to identify the risks of the social, environmental, human rights and ethics aspects of supply chains of all ongoing transactions, and conducts follow-up audits and management for high-risk vendors.
In 2023, improvement and mitigation plans were fully completed for 3 operational sites and 91 suppliers identified as having human rights risk incidents.

Education Training Data

ASUS conducts human rights related education and training for employees worldwide to ensure that they are aware of ASUS' Human Rights policy. Below was the total number of hours devoted to training on Human Rights policies in 2023:


Total number of hours devoted to training on Human Rights policies

Mainland China

Total number of hours devoted to training on Human Rights policies


Total number of hours devoted to training on Human Rights policies

Freedom of Association

Each subsidiary complies with the collective bargaining agreement in accordance with national laws and regulations. ASUS Employees represented by an independent trade union is 23.2% in 2023.

ASUS TW does not have a labor union in place. ASUS allows its employees to form a labor union, but the employees did not voluntarily demand for a labor union, and it is not a compulsory requirement to have a labor union set up. In order to coordinate the labor-management relationship, promote labor-management cooperation, and increase work efficiency in TW, ASUS hold a labor-management conference once a season. There are with 10 representatives from the labor side and 8 representatives from ASUS. The labor representatives are assigned by all employees.



% of Employees in Headquarters Represented by an Independent Trade Union



% of Employees in Mainland China Represented by an Independent Trade Union



% of Employees in EMEA Represented by an Independent Trade Union



% of Employees in America Represented by an Independent Trade Union



% of Employees in APAC Represented by an Independent Trade Union



% of Total Employees Represented by an Independent Trade Union

Employee Code of Conduct

ASUS formulated the "Employee Code of Conduct" based on the Code of Conduct by the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM Listed Companies." The Employee Code of Conduct includes but is not limited to corruption and bribery, insider trading, intellectual property rights, and the proper preservation and disclosure of information. We created the online Employee Code of Conduct course, which is mandatory for all employees and is required to be retrained every year, hoping they will demonstrate high ethical standards in their actions. Questions regarding the contents of the code and its legality can be directed to the legal department for interpretations. In addition, ASUS formulates "Work Rule” that all employees shall abide during the terms of their services.


Anonymous reporting


Conflict of interest


Environmental health and safety


Intellectual property


Money laundering and insider trading


Regulation and compliance


Information security


Corruption and bribery




Anti-trust anti-competitive behavior

Whistleblower System

ASUS has always engaged in all business activities with honesty and forbids corruption and any form of fraud. With a system of rewards and punishments, we make sure that employees do not accept any type of fraud regarding demands, contract, bribery, or any other improper benefits. Should anyone discover a potential violation of the Employee Code of Conduct of ASUS employees, a report can be made to us through our public mailbox, audit@asus.com. In accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health, the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, and the Personal Data Protection Act, any personal information and other full-funded identification information of the whistleblower shall be kept confidential and shall not be provided to third parties not related to the investigation. In order to avoid unfair and unfavorable treatment, the whistleblower can also propose necessary precautions against possible damage in accordance with the law.

For detailed instructions for reporting, please visit "Internal Audit" under "Corporate Governance" on the Investor Relations website.



  • Violation of Code of Conduct (audit@asus.com)
  • Complaints of Unlawful Infringements in the Workplace (6666@asus. com) (Dedicated-line: #26666)


Clarification, Acceptance and Investigation

(Audit Office, Human Resource)
  • Case Investigation
  • Evidence Search, Clarification, and Verification



(Committee, Human Resource)

Violation of Code of Conduct

  • Hold the meeting
  • Base on “Employee Code of Conduct” and “Work Rule” to make decision
  • Periodically report to the Board of Directors regarding the investigation result and the measures taken

Committee of Unlawful Infringements

  • Hold Committee of Unlawful Infringements Meeting
  • Base on “Employee Code of Conduct” and “Work Rule” to make decision


Corrective Measure

(Case Unit, Human Resource)
  • Request relevant units to internally review the causes of violations and submit improvement reports
  • Revise internal and external management policies and improve internal processes
  • Strengthen internal and external education and training to avoid similar incidents from happening again

Regarding cases that violate the "Employee Code of Conduct", they will be dealt with appropriately based on the severity. ASUS will severely punish illegal acts and transfer them to judicial authorities for investigation if necessary.

There was one case of violation to Employees Code of Conduct in 2023. An employee was found to have received improper benefits from a supplier. In accordance with ASUS' internal regulations "Employee Code of Conduct" and "Work Rules", the employee was dismissed. Subsequently, we not only re-evaluated and selected new suppliers but also improved operational processes and reiterated and promoted correct internal practices. In 2023, there were no other incidents of conflicts of interest, money laundering, insider trading, or similar violations.

Bribery and Anti-Corruption Principle

  • ASUS employees must not offer or give bribes to public officials and must never engage in or facilitate corrupt practices in any pattern.
  • ASUS employees must not contribute to illegal political donations, improper charitable donations, or improper sponsorship.
  • These anti-corruption requirements are applicable to all agents and contractors of ASUS, including but not limited to, the contractors and consultants. It is ASUS’ policy that ASUS would cease engagement with those agents or contractors who was likely to bribe when dealing with ASUS’ affairs on behalf of ASUS.
  • Giving a gift or entertainment, to public officials on behalf of ASUS shall be subject to Legal Affairs Center’s review.

Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Management Standard

ASUS promises to establish a friendly working environment, enhance the concept of gender equality among employees, protect employees, job seekers or service personnel from the threat of sexual harassment, and prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment incidents.

ASUS formulates Illegitimate Invasion and Workplace Violence Management Standard(F2-047) and Sexual Harassment Prevention Management Standard (F2-031).

In the event of illegitimate invasion, employee could file a consultation and complaint through workplace violence and sexual harassment prevention through 6666@asus.com. ASUS will immediately start the investigation and processing mechanism upon receiving such complaints filed by the employee.

The workplace violence and sexual harassment prevention hotline 6666@asus.com is a confidential and private reporting channel.

The company's workplace violence consultation and complaint channels:

  • Complaint hotline: 02-2894-3447 ext. 26666
  • Appeal special fax: 02-2893-1687 ext. 26666
  • E-mail for appeal: 6666@asus.com